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Marketplaces are areas where a player can put items and equipment up for sale for a certain price, provided the item or piece of equipment is not soul bound. The default price for an item is 100 gold, as is the minimum price that an item can be sold for. This price can be adjusted in increments of 100, 1,000 and 10,000 gold before locking it in place by way of putting the item up for sale. Once an item is on the marketplace, it will be available for two days.

During those two days any other player can purchase the item. Once an item is sold it is taken off of the market and the seller receives an amount of gold equal to their price minus a small tax. If an item is not bought within those two days it is sent to its owner's vault. A player does not need to be online when their item is sold nor do they need to be online when the item expires. In either case, the next time that the player logs in they will be informed of how many of their items were sold or had expired.

As of v1.64 there are two marketplaces in the game. One is found in Balzackia, northeast of the inn and east of the item and equipment shops, down a set of stairs. The other is found in the northwest corner of Ardan, north of the item and equipment shops.